The sub-headline says that parboiled rice is not good for you, which is incorrect. It has many benefits which are explained in the Healthline article that is linked in the story. I think it is fine that this guy is into certain types of rice, but that you don't push back on his assertions makes me very unimpressed with your reporting.

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Dec 28, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Author

Fair: Thank you for saying something. I should have linked to my earlier reporting and that of others. Whether it's enriched flour or parboiled enriched rice, neither have the same beneficial health effects especially if we're talking Big Ag versus new crop, non gmo stuff processed to maintain the nutrients of whole grain. Adding nutrients back in doesn't have the same positive effects on health. Here's stuff on wheat: https://heated.medium.com/these-california-grain-geeks-want-to-boost-your-immune-system-with-true-whole-wheat-b450be48419f and more from Anson Mills. https://ansonmills.com/grain_notes/12

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Thanks for responding, but my tolerance for BS health claims is at zero. I will be unsubscribing.

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